Albums (2)
People, when you see the smoke, do not think it is fields they're burning (2015)
muzikant op 1 van de 8 tracks.
Har Nevo (2012)
backing vocals op 1 van de 8 tracks.
Overzicht releases van The Black Heart Rebellion waaraan Stef Heeren meewerkte
Albums (2)
People, when you see the smoke, do not think it is fields they're burning (2015)
muzikant op 1 van de 8 tracks.
Har Nevo (2012)
backing vocals op 1 van de 8 tracks.
EP's (1)
T.B.H.R. & K.T.A.O.A.B.C. (2016)
zang, gitaar en/of synthesizer op 1 van de 2 tracks.